Join the GCCA
Zoning and Development Committee
Are you interested in development and preservation issues in our community? The GCCA is looking for people to get involved.
You can either sign up to be an "interested neighbor" (receive notice of all of our regular and public meetings, have the opportunity to vote on public items, and get occasional updates on issues the committee is dealing with) or apply to join the Committee, facilitating community input and advocating on its behalf when necessary.
Garden Court is a neighborhood of over nine thousand people living in a variety of building types, household formations, and socioeconomic conditions, in addition to civic institutions and mixed-use commercial areas. While recognizing that there are often trade-offs between equally valid individual interests, the Committee’s role is to represent the collective interests of all current and future neighbors. We do that better when we have more voices at the table.
GCCA wants to build a broad and inclusive group that represents diverse backgrounds and points of view. We are looking for people from all parts of the neighborhood, renters, homeowners, business owners, longtime residents, and newcomers alike. We are eager to engage people with knowledge of history, social issues, economics, law, design, and communication, but no specialized skills are required; passion for our community is most important.
Please email the completed form or any questions to zoning@gardencourtca.org