Zoning and Development
Committee Chair: Jonas Maciūnas
Contact: zoning@gardencourtca.org
Committee meets: virtually Second Wednesday of every month at 8:00 PM. Zoom login info is posted to the blog within a week of each meeting.
The goal of the Zoning Committee is to represent the community's voice on all development projects that require a Zoning Variance, as well as to ensure that Garden Court is positioned to grow and change while maintaining the attributes that both drew individuals to, and kept families within, our neighborhood.
Click here to view the Vision Statement for the Zoning Committee, which provides an overview of the Committee’s vision for the Garden Court neighborhood, and outlines our shared values and priorities for ensuring community-driven development without displacement.
Major Initiatives
The Zoning Committee facilitates community input on development projects as they arise in our community. To stay up to date on zoning issues be sure to join our email list.