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Please Help Neighbors Displaced by Fire!

The Terrace Apartments, 4631 Spruce Street, has temporarily displaced all of its residents, including a GCCA Board Member, because of a fire Sunday. Our hearts go out to them. Fortunately no one was injured during the fire.

Some units are low income housing. Some apartments were permanently destroyed; most were not. The Red Cross was notified and displaced residents had access to the Beulah Baptist Church at 5001 Spruce Street and the Christy Recreation Center at 728 S 55th Street.

People who have no place to live are housed in an Emergency Red Cross Shelter at the West Philadelphia High School Gymnasium. They are being taken care of (food, clothing, counseling) mainly by Red Cross volunteers. (I spoke to one who is a PA retiree living close to the Maryland border.) 

People from our neighboring organization, Walnut Hill Community Association, were quick to respond: spreading the word and donating money directly to those at the West Philadelphia shelter.

The Garden Court Community Association is making a sizeable donation to the local Red Cross.

You can donate to the Red Cross at Click on the "Donate Now" button. Then under the "I Want to Support" menu, choose "Your Local Red Cross".

Thank you for our support.


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