Make Your Voice Heard in the Neighborhood!

Please join your neighbors in providing insights to ensure equitable and sustainable impact for your community.
Together, we’d like to make a Letter to Future Investors in the 46th & Market area to share your views. This effort is intended to collect community input about how residents would like to see development happen in their neighborhoods. The Opportunity Zones near 46th & Market Street will likely attract investors to the neighborhood, and we want to work together to ensure your goals, hopes and concerns for the area are shared. More information about this initiative can be found at How to get involved in this first phase: Take the survey here by Dec 14th: ( the first 150 respondents get $5 - or a chance to win a $150 gift card)* Other ways to make your voice heard (alternatives to the online survey) · Phone in to go through the questionnaire with a person: Call 267-521-2344 and leave a message for a call back and a 1:1 chat · Grab a physical copy and fill it out on site - see sites on · Join a virtual workshop with Rising Sons to learn more about the questionnaire and project: Thursday December 10: 1-3pm More background information. This project is a joint effort by the Enterprise Center, Connect the Dots, Rising Sons, Walnut Hill Community Association, West Park Tenants Association, Mill Creek Advisory Council, Mill Creek Community Partnership, Dunlap Community Community Citizens Concerned, Families Forward Philadelphia, and TEC Neighborhood Advisory Committee. More information about this initiative can be found at Thank you! *To take the survey in Bengali: