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An update from GCCA on COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented our community with an extraordinary challenge. There is so much that is uncertain as we all try to navigate this new normal. And yet, one constant that remains is the incredible strength of the Garden Court community. While the ways in which we connect might temporarily change, our connection to each other remains strong. We will get through this together. Below we’ve compiled some resources to help address this challenge.

Stay Informed

This situation is changing rapidly. It’s important to stay informed on the latest guidance to keep us all safe. For the latest updates from the Health Department, and to learn how to protect yourself and others, please visit

You can also sign up to receive updates straight to your phone by texting COVIDPHL to 888-777.

Protect Yourself and Others

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Some measures you can take to avoid close contact with others include:

  • Stay home as much as possible and reduce visitors.

  • Practice social distancing: Stay at least six feet away from others in public places.

It’s also important to practice good hygiene wherever you are. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Find Support and Opportunities to Help

Councilmember Jamie Gauthier has put together a helpful guide with the most up-to-date information regarding City services and useful resources for food, transportation, housing support, and more.

Please share this information with your community. If you have the ability to print information and share it with your neighbors – especially older adults, and folks who may not have or use computers – it would be a great help.

The City of Philadelphia has also compiled a list of ways we can all do our part to help our neighbors in need. Click here for more details.

Support Our Local Businesses

The businesses of Garden Court are an important part of what makes this community so vibrant, and now more than ever they need our support. This is a difficult time for the restaurant business as operations have been limited to take-out or halted completely due to COVID-19. There are several ways you can help:

  • #TakeoutTuesday- Each Tuesday, order takeout from one of the many great restaurants in Garden Court. Share a picture of your meal with your neighbors on social media using the #TakeoutTuesday.

  • Support local restaurants with help from UCD- Through March 31st, 2020, University City District will join you in supporting local restaurants by purchasing up to $250 in gift cards per participating restaurant to match customer purchases. Learn more here.

All local businesses are in need of support right now. Please consider purchasing gift cards from all of the businesses that contribute to the overall vibrancy of our wonderful neighborhood.

Stay Connected

Social distancing is hard. Here are a few opportunities to stay connected to others, while keeping a safe separation to prevent the viral spread:

Join the rainbow hunt: Throughout the city, neighbors are placing pictures of rainbows in their windows for neighborhood children to find. See the link to all homes with rainbows and add your own here. If you do, share with us on social media too!

Connect Virtually: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where we hope to share additional information and resources as they become available.


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