Community Covid-19 Renter Support/ Landlord Guidelines
(As of April 2020)
Garden Court Community Association recognizes that the Covid-19 challenge is affecting residents in similar and different ways. In a community with diverse living and economic situations, it's important to consider the range of needs to help get us all through this crisis whole.
In consideration of renters who are struggling at this time, we suggest that landlords consider implementing the following practices:
April - Delayed payment consideration, based on social distancing hardship
May - Reduced payments as the crisis continues, based on special needs/employment status
June - Rent relief as the crisis continues, based on employment status/income
Adherence to the eviction moratorium, excepting official safety exemptions
We realize that many landlords are affected too; there are published state and federal guidelines regarding mortgage assistance with banks. Official sites have offered no renter assistance specifics beyond the eviction moratorium.
Please visit official City of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania Covid-19 sites for additional resources.