Committee Chair: Victoria Harris
Contact: greening@gardencourtca.org
Committee meets: 6-9 times annually
The Greening Committee maintains and cares for the GCCA community gardens and tennis courts on Spruce Street at 47th Street.
Major Initiatives
Community Garden Redesign: Garden Court is working with the Community Design Collaborative to refresh our neighborhood community garden and tennis courts. Reconfiguring garden plots will enable more residents to garden. A new, pedestrian-only entrance and a refurbished gathering space with pergola, picnic tables, Adirondack chairs, string lights and container plantings will create a stronger sense of welcome. This improvement project will also offer Philadelphia Water an opportunity to install a green stormwater management system. Click here to learn more about this major community project.
Neighborhood Cleanups: Each year we organize a clean-up day in the spring and in the fall at the community gardens.