Committee Chair:​
Contact: events@gardencourtca.org
Committee meets: occasionally by Zoom during Covid-19
The Fundraising Committee seeks to ensure that Garden Court Community Association has the resources needed to achieve the vision and goals put forth by you, the members of our community. Through memberships, grants, donations and events, we secure funds and other resources to directly support GCCA initiatives and projects.
Major Initiatives
Progressive Dinner: Our signature event, the Progressive Dinner is held each fall and raises funds for the Cheryl Roebuck Memorial Music Scholarship as well as for other GCCA priorities. The event is a dinner party with successive courses prepared and eaten at the residences of several Garden Court neighbors. The evening begins with appetizers in a central location and then attendees spread out throughout the neighborhood to enjoy delicious meals prepared by their neighbors. Attendees then come back together for dessert and fellowship. The Progressive Dinner is a wonderful opportunity to meet your neighbors and learn more about Garden Court Community Association and our programs.